Sydney Opera House Reviews
“a staging replete with intelligence, generosity and soul”
★★★★★ Suzy Goes See
“This mesmerising adaptation with a queer twist is nothing short of magic”
★★★★★ Time Out Sydney
“It is a beautiful act of defiance. This is my body and this is who I am. You’re damn right, Yentl.”
★★★★ What's the Show
“This production of Yentl will leave you pondering themes that are relevant and applicable to people of all walks of life”
★★★★ The AU Review
“This is an accomplished production that has come up to Sydney after having two successful seasons in Melbourne.”
★★★★ Sydney Arts Guide
“On Yentl’s opening night in Sydney the audience, whether Jewish, goy, straight, bi, gay lesbian or transgender rose as one to their feet for a standing ovation.”
“This is definitely not Streisand's Yentl” The Nightly
“Oy vey, what a play! Enough schmutz* to drag people away from the Hot Rabbi on Netflix.” Stage Whispers
“Culturally specific yet universal, set in the past but still so pertinent” Australian Stage